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Checking IONOS server firewall and networking settings

Checking IONOS server firewall and networking settings

If you cannot access your server, or your server appears down or unresponsive, I recommend checking your Cloud Firewall policies first. Confirm that the correct ports you are trying to access are added to your server’s Cloud Firewall. Then move on to the server firewall, networking, and application configuration next.

Checking Cloud Firewall

First, check out this guide on updating your IONOS Cloud Firewall:
Edit a Firewall Policy

If the ports exist and you still can’t reach your server, it’s possible that your server’s internal firewall may be blocking you. It may also be that the service isn’t running (for example, if Apache crashed or Remote Desktop Connection is disabled), or that networking is misconfigured or disabled. It could also be a sign of something worse (for example, malware or kernel panic).

Checking Internal Server Configuration

If you still can’t connect to the server, you should open up the remote console to take a look at your server. Once connected to your server via remote console, you can investigate the server, including the firewall and networking.




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