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Comprehensive Guide to Linux Package Managers

Comprehensive Guide to Linux Package Managers

This guide provides a detailed overview of popular package managers used across various Linux distributions, along with installation examples and options for installing software directly from source. Understanding package managers is essential for installing, upgrading, and managing software on Linux systems.

📦 Package Managers by Distribution

DistributionPackage Manager(s)Installation ExampleAlternative(s)
Debian / Ubuntuapt, apt-get, dpkgsudo apt install libreofficesudo apt-get install libreoffice, sudo dpkg -i whois_5.4.2_amd64.deb
Red Hat / CentOS / Fedora / Rocky / Almadnf (current), rpm, yum (deprecated)sudo dnf install libreofficesudo rpm -i libreoffice.rpm, sudo yum install libreoffice
Slackwareslapt-get, pkgtoolslapt-get -i openofficepkgtool -i openoffice, installpkg openoffice.tgz, upgradepkg --install-new openoffice.tgz
Arch / Manjaropacmansudo pacman -S libreofficeNone
openSUSEzyppersudo zypper install libreofficeNone

🧰 Installing Software from Source

For software that isn’t available through the package manager or requires specific compilation options, installing from source is a versatile option. This approach is common for custom builds or the latest versions not yet available in standard repositories.

1. Install Development Tools

The first step in building software from source is ensuring that the system has the necessary development packages installed.

  • Debian-based systems:
  sudo apt install build-essential checkinstall libcurl-devel
  • RHEL-based systems:
  sudo dnf group install -y "Development tools"

2. Extract the Source Archive

Download and extract the software archive (e.g., .tar.gz format):

tar -xzvpf example.tar.gz

3. Navigate to the Extracted Folder

Change to the directory created by extracting the archive:

cd example/

4. Prepare the Build Configuration

If the source folder doesn’t include a ./configure script, you may need to generate it, especially if the software was cloned from a source repository like Git.

  • If an file is available, run:
  • If no file is present, you might need to create a configuration file:
  make configure

5. Run the Configuration Script

Configure the installation settings, specifying the installation directory if necessary:

./configure --prefix=/usr/local

6. Compile and Install the Software

Build and install the software. This will compile the source code and place the binary files in the specified directory.

sudo make install

7. Verify the Installation

After installation, verify that the program is accessible by checking its version or running the executable:

/usr/local/bin/example --version

Note: As an alternative to make install, Ubuntu users can use checkinstall for simpler package management. More information is available here.

Understanding these package managers and how to compile software from source provides Linux users with flexible control over software installations across a range of distributions.

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