Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Category installs

Installing Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04

Installing Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04 Enable a GUI on Ubuntu 22.04 Server and Connect via Remote Desktop (RDP) Are you looking to enable a Graphical User Interface (GUI) on your Ubuntu 22.04 server? Do you want a user-friendly graphical…

Comprehensive Guide to Linux Package Managers

Comprehensive Guide to Linux Package Managers This guide provides a detailed overview of popular package managers used across various Linux distributions, along with installation examples and options for installing software directly from source. Understanding package managers is essential for installing,…

Installing a LAMP Stack on Debian 12

Installing a LAMP Stack on Debian 12 This guide will walk you through installing a LAMP stack on Debian 12. The LAMP stack—Linux, Apache, MariaDB, and PHP—is a popular setup for hosting websites on Linux. While MySQL is commonly used…

GRE tunnel between two VPS

Step 1: Install Necessary Software Ensure that both VPS servers have the required software installed for GRE tunneling. This typically involves iproute2 which is usually pre-installed on most Linux distributions. If it’s not installed, they can install it using the…